How Much Should I Spend on a Funeral?

Understandably, one of the primary worries around planning a funeral concerns costs. In fact, just about every family that prepares a funeral will ask about the costs involved, but they’ll often be short of any expectations how much proceedings will set them back. What’s more, when we see advertisements on TV, often those spruiking the pitfalls of not being covered by funeral insurance, some are led to believe costs will run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

Of course, no one is stopping you from spending this sort of money. In some respects, the death of a loved one may encourage those around them to celebrate the life of the deceased person. However, the big determiner in all this is what type of arrangement and service you search for.  If you’re content with a more modest arrangement, it’s possible to spend a few thousand dollars.

It should also be made clear, the price you pay for a funeral should not be thought of as an expression of how much you loved the deceased person. Some people feel ashamed that they don’t have the funds necessary for a more encompassing arrangement, and end up being pressured into purchasing a service that is beyond their financial means. In the end, they may be lumped with debt and struggle to make repayments. Conversely, others in this position feel a sense of guilt for not being able to spend more. Try push these thoughts out of your mind when engaging with any funeral directors, as ultimately, they will be selling you a service as part of their job.

Ideally, you want to compare funeral providers via itemised quotes. It’s hardly insightful if you compare the headline quotes, as you can’t be certain about what services are included as part of the contract. Even then, you can also identify any exclusions or additional costs that you could be required to pay after the funeral. Some of the typical items and charges you would usually see on a quote of this nature include:

  • Funeral director fees
  • Coffin
  • Celebrant/clergy fees
  • Burial / cremation
  • Permits
  • Death certificate
  • Flowers, decorations, catering
  • Transportation
  • Cemetery plot
  • Obituaries and notices
  • Wake

The coffin is often one of the more costly items of a funeral, as there are a variety of different types available. The most distinguishing factors will be the detail of the finishing, as well as the quality of the materials used to build the coffin. Those on a budget may observe price differences in this area can deliver some savings.

Cremations tend to be cheaper than a burial, where there is a large variance in prices. The location of the cemetery will influence the final costs, as the prices for graves, headstones and ongoing maintenance can differ due to the demand for plots between cemeteries. Flowers and decorations are another aspect where prices can fluctuate by substantial margins. This will depend on the nature of the arrangement you are purchasing, with some being more detailed, and others being simple arrangements.

At the end of the day however, don’t let any stigmas or expectations around prices guide you away from tailoring funeral arrangements to meet your specific budget, or the needs of a loved one who has passed away.

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